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You've spent hours on the therapist's couch trying to move on, but you just can't forget that horrible day in second grade. It was lunchtime, and everyone reached into their backpacks to get out their food, and everyone — everyone — somehow knew to have that cute new Corey Haim lunchbox. Except you. You just had a plain brown bag. And you'd never felt so left out in your life.

You've grown up, and you thought you'd gotten past it, but suddenly it's all streaming back. Suddenly, everyone in New Yorkeveryone — has a very lucrative web property. Except you. And, once again, you've never felt so left out in your life.

So head over to former AOL exec Bob Pittman, who's the controlling investor in Daily Candy. Before he took over the chic company that chicly produces those chic shopping newsletters, Pittman was the guy who saved AOL from its era of customer-service woes. So he knows a thing or two about making a girl happy. Now he wants to sell DC, which he bought into for $3.5 million four years ago and The Wall Street Journal thinks could go for $100 million today, and he'd just love to sell it to someone like you.

Just make sure he throws in a vintage lunchbox.

Former AOL Official Pittman Puts Web Firm Daily Candy Up for Sale [WSJ]