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This week, Alex Kuczynski discovers the Apple Store in Soho, and uses it as an opportunity to fill us in on the technology fabulousness of her life. There's the iBook G4 wedding present from the financier husband, the G5, the 23-inch monitor, Harmon/Kardon sound system, and the 100 operas and 5,000 songs saved in her iTunes. And there's also this:

As for the iPod, we're through. I have gone through four versions, and the only one that still works is the first, a trusty workhouse that manages to keep spitting out the music. In January, after a few months struggling with an iPod Mini's refusal to take a full battery charge and consistently malfunctioning flywheel, I detached it from my ears and threw the whole thing — ear buds and all — into a garbage can on Fifth Avenue.

It's more evidence for what we've always suspected: We could live a very happy life just picking up what Alex throws away.

A Jammed Video Arcade for Grown-Ups [NYT]