A Very Inflammatory Gawker Stalker

A reader writes:
Went to see a Phil Lesh at Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan this wknd. Saw Chris Robinson sitting in the upper box seat, directly across from me and he was kissing a not very attractive hippie Deadhead chick that was not Kate Hudson. She got up at one point to go get drinks, and I followed and it was not Kate Hudson - this chick was a pretty homely brunette.
We can neither confirm nor deny the above statement, though it certainly is interesting. First of all, it could be a complete misidentification: We're sure every single man at any given Lesh show bears striking resemblance to Robinson. But, if it actually was Robinson that our reader spotted, let's not assume his dirtlove alliance with Hudson is on the rocks. It's just as likely that the couple has reached a mature agreement. Perhaps Hudson, tired of the Dead, gave her husband carte blanche for a night out. In turn, we imagine that Robinson would give Hudson the same sort of freedom for all those O.A.R. and Moe shows he doesn't attend. Anything goes in the summer of love.