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Over 400 people at the Arrington Ranch, gateway to the Valley. Mike Arrington stuffed all of Web 2.0 into his ranch for the fifth TechCrunch meetup. The night's excuse to drink major event was the launch of Robert Scoble and Shel Israel's book, Naked Conversations.

Mike covered the event on TechCrunch, but here's the Valleywag shallow version, with photos from Scott Beale (thanks Scott!).

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Forget the state of the blogosphere, cutie. Technorati's Dave Sifry wants to know the state of you.

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Sean Savage doesn't go to parties. Sean Savage goes to very organized flash mobs.

Kevin Burton gets you drunk, after the jump.

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Dogster's Ted Rheingold discovers unspeakable horrors in Mike's fridge.

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"Sell it...sell that...that too...heard bad things about that founder, sell it. Yes, of course I'm talking about my Alexadex holdings."

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"I'm Shel Israel, and I wrote this book too."

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"Dear Mike, enjoy the book! Sincerely, Shel. Shel Israel. I co-wrote the book."

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Robert Scoble: "Heh, some guy put his name here too."

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Mike Arrington: "I'd like to congratulate Robert Scoble and...that...whoever that co-writer was."

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Technorati's Tantek Celik to PubSub's Salim Ismail: "Yep, still beating you at tracking 'brrreeeport.'"

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Here, have a sixth drink, and reconsider buying Kevin Burton's company.

Bonus commentary: Flick through the Flickr set for Kevin Burton's snappy comments.

Thank You For Coming to TechCrunch 5 [TechCrunch]
Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party Photos [Laughing Squid]