
First Look At Zack Snyder's 'Watchmen' Causes Fanboy Nation To Crap Pants

Seth Abramovitch · 03/07/08 12:41PM

300 director Zack Snyder understands and appreciates the fanboy brain. Realizing that Watchmen, the sacred graphic-novel text he's been entrusted to adapt for Warner Bros. (and that Fox is suing to desist), is now "officially one year and counting" from its premiere, he's posted a series of high-quality photographs of the major characters in costume to tide them over until then. One glimpse at the attention to detail (check out those heavy-duty codpieces!) paid to the Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Nite-Owl (Patrick Wilson), and Ozymandias (Matthew Goode) is sure to send the legions of fanboys who waited 22 years for this day running directly into their bathrooms, with strict orders to their moms that they aren't to be disturbed.

Geek out: Revision3 Launch Party

Nick Douglas · 09/27/06 10:20PM

Last night, Digg founder Kevin Rose and pals celebrated the relaunch of his Revision 3 online TV network with a party at Mighty, a San Fran venue currently sporting sculptures of flying underwear (really. Don't know why). Scott Beale provides the photos below.

Geekout: Quite a Stirr, Om sweet Om

Nick Douglas · 08/10/06 08:38PM

What's a little startup to do when it's invited to two schmoozetastic parties in one night? Send the CEO to one and the marketing director to the other, natch. Yes, more than one startup actually did this (and several others hit both parties despite the hour commute) last night with Palo Alto's Stirr Mixer and Om Malik's GigaOM party.

Geek out: Business 2.0's party for Om Malik

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 09:16PM

GigaOM blogger Om Malik is taking his tech site from hobby to business. His alma mater, Business 2.0, held a patio party for him at the Hotel Vitale. Guests included B2 editor Josh Quittner, Craigslist creator Craig Newmark, and a whole gang of delightful snarkers. These photos are from Scott Beale (aka "Long Tentacle") from Laughing Squid.

Geek out: Horseback and schwag hoes at the Valleyschwag Hoedown

Nick Douglas · 07/18/06 09:37PM

Valleywag usually doesn't run party pics more than a day after the event, but this weekend's bash was way too fun (you should have been there!) to pass up. Valleyschwag, the corporate-goodies-of-the-month-club run by the web developers at Rubyred Labs, hosted a hoedown at its office in San Fran's SOMA district. The dazzling shots above and below are by I-can't-believe-he's-not-pro photographer Scott Beale.

Geek out: Valleywag's first SloshCon is a sozzled success

Nick Douglas · 06/09/06 11:45PM

Valleywag's first SloshCon at the House of Shields was so successful that my hangover's having baby hangovers. Remember the live-audience interviews and speeches on the game plan? Scrapped. We didn't want to ruin the vibe (half the crowd had arrived in the first 20 minutes), so we all kept on drinking and bullshitting one-on-one. (Top photo by Jeremiah Owyang)

Geek out: DHX

Nick Douglas · 06/05/06 07:08PM

Coders converged in South San Francisco this weekend for SuperHappyDevHouse 10 (or "DHX"), a competitive version of the popular Valley coding fest. Teams cranked out startups that are now running, without any extra admin work, to see which rakes in the most cash. Attendee Tom Harrison let Valleywag abuse his pics of the event.

Geek out: Seattle TechCrunchFest

Nick Douglas · 06/05/06 12:53PM

Dorky button-downs, laptop bags, and ten guys for every girl — welcome back to high school chess club! TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington held a dorkolicious Web 2.0 (TM) party this weekend in Seattle. An attendee and pic-provider says,

Geek out: We'll miss you, Orlowski

Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 02:08PM

Hacks and flacks wished Andrew Orlowski (pictured, the one with his hair on top) farewell last night with a calm happy hour at the Edinburgh Castle Pub. His exit dilutes the pool of Valley journalism, as the Register reporter was a long-time snarker and Google hound (one confident enough to snub Google Press Day). Now, after five years in the Valley, he's headed back to England.

Geek out guest post: Second Third Thursday

Nick Douglas · 05/19/06 10:44AM

The Weber Shandwick takeover of Valleywag continues with WS legal practice guru Lucas Mast's report on this week's Third Thursday. In this edition of the PR and marketing talk series, PR blogger Jeremy Pepper MC'd a panel of corporate-blogging masters. If you're feeling cynical this morning, just read Lucas's three bullets and be done with it. We'll see if our boy Lucas can learn to stop paying attention to the actual talks and give us the nitty gritty, like whether someone got Steve Rubel drunk. In the meantime, Mr. Bright and Sunny pimps Third Thursday.