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Our value-conscious brother Consumerist has started taking after his big brother Gawk and now enjoys scouring the outer edges of Cragislist for education and amusement. Today he points us to this listing, found in the barters section, which provides a whole new way of trying to break into this godforsaken business:

I am in need of contact information...

I am looking for a job. I am a recent college grad with some experience in editing and writing as well as working at a health clinic for women; counseling them, answering phones and helping with lab work....

I am also interested in working for a newspaper or magazine. I am basically in search of an entry level position that would allow me to improve my skills and learn new ones. If you know anyone who might be looking for a job candidate like myself, I would greatly appreciate it if there is any way you could put me in touch with them.

In return I can offer you a 5 disk sony cd changer, or my time to help you get something done, or a womens leather jacket or possibly something else we could negotiate over.

And now suddenly it all makes sense. No wonder Jim Kelly never called us again after that second interview at Time back in '99 — we totally forgot to drop off the CD changer.

Today in Craigslist Barter NYC [Consumerist]