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• We have no idea if these pictures are from a sex tape involving Nicole Lenz and Paris Hilton or not, but we imagine some of you pervs out there will spend the rest of the evening doing your best determine their authenticity. [Yeeeah (NSFW)]
• Video Link #1: We so fucking hate it when those high and might Other Music clerks look at us like we're ape-people just because we don't know what Boogbytes are. [Stereogum]
• Video Link #2: What if Access Hollywood and other similar celebrity crap shows were about regular people? [Post Show]
• Has Showtime made a home for Arrested Development? If so, color us pissed: we pride ourselves on only subscribing to HBO. [Better Than Fudge]
• There's odds on the name of baby TomKat — win our hearts and place all of your beer money on Goose. [The Reeler]
• Meanwhile, Katie Holmes' father, perhaps angry at what his little girl has become, asks Columbia to refund his nonrefundable $500 deposit that he made for his daughter eight years ago. [TMZ]
• On Craigslist, honesty is just about the worst policy. [Craigslist]