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Here's some love for the gadget freaks fidgeting over tomorrow's Apple announcement. The loveable un-blogger (and would-be Microsoft employee) Chris Coulter sends in specs for the Microsoft iPod.

iPod Home - only 100 songs allowed. Same as regular iPod just with control lock (which will be hacked).

iPod Professional Edition - Vague add'ons and unlimited songs. But looks corporate. Brooding stock-photography Office-looking pictures on the packaging.

iPod Readers Edition - Same as regular iPod, just with a CD sampling of Audio Books, and a few included Audio Books on the HD and some Shakespearean looking packaging.

iPod Sports Edition - Added program to monitor heartbeat and calculate miles jogged. And cute sports-themes added.

iPod Plus! Edition - Same as regular iPod just with more eye-candy and theme makers and totally k-rad PC quality 3D screen savers (which will render your iPod comatose).

iPod Mobile Edition - An Activesync-like program to sync with Windows Mobile 2005 and Smartphones and the odd 'Plays for Sure' devices.

iPod Ultimate Edition - Regular iPod just bigger HD, with all Plus!, Reader and Mobile Edition add-on's. Costs nearly twice as much, and eventually comes in differing colors. The only model with real good support levels. And the only Edition avail for firmware upgrades.