We couldn't help but notice that yesterday's edition of the UrbanDaddy newsletter (think Daily Candy for cocks) is frighteningly similar to today's edition of the Thrillist newsletter (again, Daily Candy for cocks). Both reviewed the Meatpacking District's latest addition, Pre:Post, which caters to patrons with drinks and meals both before and after their club crawls. A brief comparison of the two reviews' bullet points:

Urban Daddy on Pre:Post
Detox drinks
'Scores' cocktail
Steak and eggs
Reservable private glass room
Proximity to Marquee

Thrillist on Pre:Post
Detox drinks
'Scores' cocktail
Steak and eggs
Reservable private glass room
Pot pie

So, when aligning your fratty email newsletter of choice, ask yourself this: Are you a Marquee Man, or a Pot Pie Playa? And if you actually have an answer to that question, could you please drag yourself into oncoming traffic?

Urban Daddy