As noted earlier, at today's on-campus Apple event, I got a bit fanboyish being in the Presence of Jobs — and Apple staff noticed.

So Steve was standing in one of these fake rooms they've built up to demo the Hi-Fi. He was talking to someone — ZDNet journalist Dan Farber thinks it was Steve's wife; his fellow ZDNetter Steve Gillmor disagrees. At any rate, it seemed like he was open to journalists (or know-nothing bloggers) saying hi.

But when I stood close in the kind of informal "meet Steve" line, one lady kept pushing closer to him and coughing significantly. First thought was, geez, pushy journalist really wants to meet Jobs.

Then she and another lady start making gestures to each other — "Keep an eye on that one." Turns out these two are Apple employees.

They point to me, make eye contact with me, and pretty much make it clear that I'm coming off as a stalker. All this without actually addressing me, which must be some uncouth thing that only Microsoft would do. They probably don't know I'm Valleywag — after all, they didn't frog-march me out — just that I look shady, standing close to the Pope of Mac.

So I back off, keep getting the eye from Plainclothes Security Guard #2, and feel proud that the sketchy reputation of fanboy tech bloggers has once again been bolstered. Meanwhile, Steve goes and talks to the real journalists.