There are certain pieces of video you've always heard about but never actually seen. Perhaps it's Jerry Lawler on Letterman. Or the Newlywed Game episode with "Where's the weirdest place you ever made whoopee?" Or The Star Wars Christmas Special. Maybe, somehow, you've never seen the Ed Ames tomahawk bit on Carson. For us, the white whale has been this clip of Mediabistro doyenne Laurel Touby interviewing Janice Min, the Us Weekly editor. It was made several months ago, during Touby's short-lived tenure as a media correspondent for the NY 360 program on the city's cable network, and it is why God invented YouTube.

Actually, it's less horrible than we were led to believe it would be. It's awkward, sure, and uncomfortable, and weirdly fawning and banal, but we'd have expected all that. We don't quite see what made it, as we're told it was, both the start and the end of Laurel's Channel 25 career. Public access is fickle mistresss.

UPDATE: We were misinformed. Laurel reports on FishbowlNY that she did a second segment for NYC TV, this time interviewing Men's Health EIC Dave Zinczenko. Someone please tell us you have the video clip — this combination sounds too delightful for words.