Chuck Klosterman, Spun Out

As Spin spins, the roiling music mag has lost its grip on the nation's preeminent dork-chic indie-hipster-nebbish zeitgeist chronicler, Chuck Klosterman. Mediabistro's new star reporter, Dylan Stableford, broke the news a bit ago on the job-listing site's FishbowlNY, reporting that Klosterman "has decided to pack it up." We hear from people who know that while it certainly was his intention to pack it up — Klosterman was tight with Sia Michel, and he was planning to leave now that she's been sacked, we understand — he never quite had the chance; management eliminated his position. So: Fired or quit? Well, tomato, tomahto.
Except that it's tomato.
Killing Yourself to Leave Spin: 100% of a True Story [FishbowlNY]