
Did Paula Broadwell's Cuckolded Husband Write a Letter to Chuck Klosterman in the The New York Times?(UPDATE)

Taylor Berman · 11/09/12 11:36PM

In the July 13th edition of Klosterman's The Ethicist advice column for the New York Times, an anonymous reader wrote in seeking advice about an affair his wife was having with a "government executive" whose job "is seen worldwide as a demonstration of American leadership." The anonymous reader went on to praise the government executive as "gracious" and "absolutely the right person for the job." He then asked if he should acknowledge the affair or let it continue until the project succeeds. Sounds like the government executive could hold a position like, say, the director of the CIA, right? In other words, did Paula Broadwell's husband know about her affair with David Petraeus and then turn to, of all people, Chuck Klosterman for advice? Maybe!

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 06/05/09 06:41AM

Suze Orman turns 58 today. Billionaire financier Pete Peterson is turning 83. Teen Vogue editor Amy Astley is 42. Post columnist Andrea Peyser is turning 50. Journalist Bill Moyers is 75. Mark Wahlberg is turning 38. Pete Wentz is 30. Author Chuck Klosterman is 37. Comedian Jeff Garlin is 46. Laurie Anderson, the musician and wife of Lou Reed, is 62. Actor Ron Livingston is turning 42. Art advisor Kim Heirston turns 46. Housing Works president Charles King is 50. Kristin Gore, the author and daughter of Al Gore, turns 32. Movie producer Kathleen Kennedy is 56. And Kenny G celebrates his 53rd birthday today. Weekend birthdays below:

Chuck Klosterman

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:33PM

Author and essayist, Klosterman writes about pop culture and sports for

Choire · 12/17/07 02:00PM

Esquire's thin January issue (just one feature! Actually, half a feature: part two of a John McCain profile!) has the world's most aggressively infuriating Charles "Chuck" Klosterman column to date. It has such a convincing and thrilling premise—that Klosterman can visually identify which major network a show is on because of subtle changes in color and tone and definition. Oh my God—me too! I think? I swear I can! Wait, can I? No. Because that does not exist, as Chuck then goes on talking about, with the help of some armchair semi-reporting. GRR. To give credit where credit is due, however? A+ for "[I]f you play Explosions in the Sky loud enough, the process of hanging drywall can be a life-altering experience." (Though like he hangs drywall frequently?)

abalk · 07/09/07 08:20AM

"Chuck Klosterman has been called a newer version of Hunter S. Thompson." [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]

abalk · 06/21/07 03:00PM

Matt Pinfield is still alive! Also, he's a Chuck Klosterman fan. We still love you anyway, Matt! [CBITC]

Emily Gould · 06/18/07 09:40AM

Even for one of the last holdout fans, Klostermania has finally (finally!) run its course. [NY/NZ]

Chuck Klosterman Questions Your Emotional Commitment To Hating Him

balk · 03/30/07 09:04AM

Chuck Klosterman, whose ample frame is caged in the world's thinnest skin, is angry at the Internets, perhaps because its denizens have begun to call bullshit on his increasingly tiresome shtick in ever-growing numbers. Dispatched to Atlanta to cover the Final Four, the man who makes a living telling you that, no, really, Stryper's To Hell With the Devil is the album that best captured the zeitgeist of the eighties, takes a few shots at the web.

Chuck Klosterman, Act II

Doree Shafrir · 01/17/07 03:45PM

We have to admit we don't generally make a habit of reading Chuck Klosterman's column on, but when he starts writing about sports in his regular Esquire column—well, that's cause for alarm. His subject this month is athletic "second acts"—sports stars who move from the field to the commentator's booth:

Steve Almond's Daddy Blog: Watch Your Back, Neal Pollack!

Emily Gould · 01/02/07 11:00AM

More in the "a generation of self-consumed male hipsters have suddenly discovered parenthood, and we'll be forced to listen to them for years on end" department: did you know that author Steve Almond, formerly content merely to sit back and vindictively sling mud at bloggers, now has a pro blog of his very own? It's on new Nerve spinoff site Babble, and it's exactly as self-conscious and caught up in the tired 'bragging about how cool I used to be and now I'm not, but it's ok because parenthood is a Higher Calling than coolness' thing as you'd expect it to be. Witness this scintillating tidbit: "So I guess that's what we're doing: we're enjoying this time. Not doing much work. Not going out at all. Just sitting around worshipping our kid. It rules."

It's The Great Pumpkinhead, Charlie Brown

abalk2 · 12/14/06 05:40PM

The one thing that has always bothered me about the Charlie Brown Christmas special is that the other kids never admit to Charlie Brown that he was right about the little tree. They ultimately accept the tree, but no one ever says, 'Well, Charlie Brown, I guess you were right all along. We were idiots.'

Team Party Crash: Fall Book & Gin Mingle @ Housing Works

Doree Shafrir · 11/10/06 04:00PM

Ah, the Housing Works Fall Book & Gin Mingle — a delightfully debauched affair, filled with publishing types and those who love them. And Chuck Klosterman! Despite the over-imbibing of the Belvedere and Moet from Wednesday evening's Spy party , Team Party Crash roused itself out of its immortal hangover Thursday to lumber up the street from Gawker HQ to the Housing Works Bookstore Caf last night, where we forked over $10 and a used book (we hauled along a dating manual from the Gawker discard bin) and made our way to the open bar.