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Keep in mind that there are two sides to every story as we all giggle at the jarring juxtaposition of "Yanni" and "domestic dispute": Yanni told the cops that his girlfriend kicked him and he may have injured his finger (we really wanted it to be "keyboard pinky," but there was no indication of such). How might you react if you thought you might lose a finger, thus leaving the future of New Age synthesizer music in the accursed hands of John Tesh? Yeah, we thought so.

UPDATE: Leave it to The Smoking Gun to ruin a perfectly hacky John Tesh joke:

The woman, whose name has been redacted from the report by cops, told investigators that Christopher asked her to move out during dinner and that when the pair returned home, the musician verbally abused her, calling her a "cunt" and "whore." He also allegedly told her that she was "garbage" and, as such, "should be packing her things in garbage bags." The woman said Christopher slapped her in the face as they argued. When cops arrived, they noticed that her upper lip was swollen and split open and that there was a small amount of dried blood on her lower lip. They also noted redness on both her forearms and that she appeared visibly upset and was crying and shaking. While Christopher denied striking the woman, he told officers that he did grab her arms to stop her from kicking him.