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From today's WWD Memo Pad, there's life after Radar:

The defunct Radar magazine doesn't seem like the most obvious place from which to be plucking Vogue staffers, but that's precisely where Anna Wintour found her latest senior editor. The editor in chief of Vogue, who was oft-tweaked on the gossipy magazine's Web site, has hired former Radar deputy editor Chris Knutsen. A Vogue spokesman said, "He will be editing political coverage, current events and keeping an eye open for book excerpts."

We tip our hat to Knutsen and admire his courage — it's not often a straight man penetrates the temple of tulle. Alas, his heterosexuality is going to make day-to-day operations a lot more difficult. If he can just hang in there for a year or so, though, we're sure his balls will shrink just enough to earn Anna's love.

Win-Tour of Duty [WWD (bottom of page)]
[Image via CityRag]