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As if this evening's television schedule weren't compelling enough — The Office versus Bringing Down the House — we've now yet another program for the Thursday night DVR party. BET is airing the premiere of incarcerated rapperista Lil' Kim's Countdown to Lockdown, which follows our heroine during her last two weeks of freedom before embarking on a year in maximum-security prison. (Recap: She's not going just for the sake of street cred; Kim was found guilty of perjury last July and entered the pen in September). During her final days on the street, she has a video to shoot, family to see, and, of course, a new album to promote. But that's not what will make for compelling television:

Press materials, however, promise that Lil' Kim will begin "the physical transformation to becoming Kimberly Jones — peeling off the layers of hair extensions, acrylic nails and stage makeup."

Too bad she didn't peel off those layers of breast implants, too. That would've saved her a lot of leakage in the long run.

'Countdown to Lockdown': Lil' Kim's Guilty Pleasure [WaPo]
Earlier: Bad News for Lil' Kim's Boobies
La Bella Prison: Lil' Kim Gets One Year