New York's New Feminism: Wonder Girls Society

Lately a group called the Wonder Girls Society has been asserting its online presence and organizing mixers for potential members (March 23 at Stitch — don't miss it!). Describing itself as an "exclusive, members-only network for goal-driven, ambitious young women," the WGS presents itself as part Divas Who Dine, part Girl Scouts. Their goals are simple:
The Wonder Girls Society work to ensure its members live an ambitious, well-rounded lifestyle by focusing on three main categories: improving the self, developing the organization and enriching the community.
It's a wonderful women's group, indeed. Especially when they enrich the community by taking photographs of their members, like the one above. Nothing's quite so empowering as the breeze between your spread-eagled legs.
The Wonder Girls Society Exposed. Literally. [Amy's Robot]
Wonder Girls Society