
Allie Jones · 12/01/15 10:35AM

Imagine a world in which Emma Watson didn’t say “feminism” during her iconic U.N. speech. Damn. I can’t.

Fuck Your Arms

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/15 09:28AM

Uh oh, summertime is here and you know what that means, ladies—time to obsess over your arms, for some reason! Wow! Arms! Appendages! What to do?

What Is Gamergate, and Why? An Explainer for Non-Geeks

Jay Hathaway · 10/10/14 08:20AM

Until recently, you might have lived a life blissfully unaware of the online #Gamergate movement. But last week, computing giant Intel pulled its ads from an independent game-development site thanks to the gaming lobby. Now that major companies are taking sides, it's time to figure it out. Let us be your guides.

Mormon Church Excommunicates Woman Fighting for Female Priesthood

Allie Jones · 06/24/14 08:19AM

On Sunday, an all-male panel of church judges convicted Mormon activist Kate Kelly of apostasy and punished her with excommunication from the Mormon church. Kelly founded the group Ordain Women in 2013, which advocates opening the male-only priesthood to women.

Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo, Fuckers: A Conversation With Kathleen Hanna

Rich Juzwiak · 11/26/13 03:10PM

On Friday, IFC will release to select theaters and via On-Demand, Sini Anderson's 80-minute documentary on the life and career of Kathleen Hanna, The Punk Singer. The film traces Hanna's early days at Olympia, Washington's Evergreen State College through her tenure leading iconic riot grrrl group Bikini Kill, her post as the lead singer of Le Tigre, and her current band the Julie Ruin. Feminist rock icons like Sleater-Kinney's Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker, Joan Jett, and Kim Gordon are part of the film's venerating chorus, and Hanna's personal life (including father-based trauma, her marriage to Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz, and her debilitating bout of Lyme disease) is explored in greater detail than ever. Throughout The Punk Singer, its subject remains as outspoken as we've come to expect.

Lacey Donohue · 10/03/13 05:47PM

Sinead O'Connor has written another open letter to Miley Cyrus today. This one begins with a simple and beautiful question: "Who the fuck is advising you?" O'Connor asks. "Because taking me on is even more fuckin’ stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism."