An End to James Frey's Endless Summer

In a previous life, Fake Writer James Frey was just a "regular" writer, having penned the screenplay for Kissing a Fool and, later, a couple of massive bestselling memoirs built off a fantastical pile of bullshit. During those cloudless days before Oprah's storm, it seems that Frey also sold a one-hour crime drama script to Fox "about Malibu-based private eye Donald "Insane" Tremaine, 'former world champion surfer, PI, Chevelle driver and lover of ladies.'" A sample from the pilot:
Tremaine: I'm going to Mavericks, Marvin.
Marvin: Mavericks. The biggest, most dangerous waves in the world. Average wave is 30 feet high, some waves as big as 75 feet. What do they do when Donald "Insane" Tremaine, former world professional surf champion and big wave legend, shows up?
Tremaine: Not much.
Riveting — and, alas, recently cancelled. Perhaps the best programming choice Fox has made in years.