Do a Fashion Editor's Job for Almost No Money!

Here's a Craigslist ad we noticed Monday night:
Fashion Column Research Assistant
Reply to:
Date: 2006-03-13, 4:01PM EST
I am the fashion editor of a popular monthly NYC/Hamptons magazine and I am looking for a research assistant to help come up with column ideas, research them, and prepare interview questions for designers, models, etc. The hours are flexible and you may work from home. Compensation is $50 per column. Interest in fashion is preferable. Research experience is a plus. This is a great job for a grad student!
Why haven't we posted about it yet? Because we were sufficiently fascinated by the idea of a "fashion editor of a popular monthly NYC/Hamptons" magazine contracting out essentially her entire job for the princely sum of $50 a pop that we asked that best impersonator we know to take a crack at applying for the job and learning the true identity of this fashionable layabout. No dice, alas; our impersonator never heard a reply to his applications.
And so we appear before you humbled and chastened: We weren't able to out the editor. Perhaps you can? A high-fashion Gawker t-shirt to the first reader who conclusively IDs this job poster. Get to it, kids.
After the jump, the impersonators' failed attempts.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I believe I would be perfectly suited to fill the position described on Craigslist. I graduated from the Parson's School of Design with a BFA in fashion design in 2005. During my senior year, I was chosen among dozens of candidates to intern for Carmela Schuafler, the associate chair of the fashion design department. Though my reviews at the annual senior thesis jury show were very good, and design remains a passion, I've been seriously considering a career in publishing. This would be an amazing oppurtinity for me, as it would allow me to get my feet wet in the industry, while allowing me to maintain my full time job. Resume, references, and porfolio are of course available upon request.
Thank you for your consideration,
From: Caitlin DeLuca
Date: Mar 15, 2006 12:43 AM
Subject: Craigslist posting
I recently graduated from the Washingon University in St. Louis' nationally renouned Center for Fashion Technology with a concentration in cross rural/agrictultural fashion. Attitudes include, but are not limited to: desitute, poor-chic, and no place else to go. My philosophy is fashion foward: "Poor? Own it."
Current trends include bobs, wigs and huge burlap sacks, in no particular order. I firmly believe that fashion can change the world, and that I am the next great American designer. My designs are innately poor and third world, but with zen, Japaneese-like efficiency. Give me a couple yards of twine, and I'll give you couture.
call me if you want me,
Caitlin Deluca
PS. Let's not haggle over price. But you should know that I don't get along well with models.