The Predictive Power of Gossip Columns

Boldface, the Times, March 10:
JIM KELLY, managing editor of Time Magazine, was the host of a party at his home celebrating the launch of ANDREW SULLIVAN's blog, "The Daily Dish" on
Attending were bloggers, who will write snarkily about the other attendees, the mainstream media people, who will in turn report earnestly on the bloggers, who in turn will deride the media people who in turn will write breathless features on the bloggers, who in turn will quietly get jobs in the media, thus starting the cycle anew, as America, all the while, continues to watch "Dancing With the Stars."
Names and Faces, The Washington Post, today:
Starting this week, Ana Marie Cox, the writer formerly known as Wonkette, joins the mainstream media establishment as a regular contributor to Time. Her first essay for the magazine is "Lobbyists in Love."