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Lately we've been kind of into this whole ask-for-things idea. (It's new for us, and apparently it works.) So yesterday we reported the rumor that Judy Miller is working on a piece for The Atlantic, and we asked for your help. "Anyone have more confirmation that Judy's working for The Atlantic?" we queried. "On what? To be published when?" You can imagine our excitement, then, to find on the Observer's Media Mob sorta-blog today the headline, "Miller Back From Middle East, Writing for Atlantic." Gabe Sherman reports:

A source at the Atlantic confirms that former New York Times reporter/journalistic privilege test case Judith Miller is working on a piece for the magazine.... According to the Atlantic source, Miller is working on a reported piece—and not a first-person account of her crisis at the Times, like Howell Raines' 20,000-odd word Atlantic piece of May 2004.

Newly appointed Atlantic editor James Bennet does not yet have a working phone line. Reached by phone, Miller declined to comment on her Atlantic assignment. "I just got back from the Middle East," she said. "I can t talk right now."

So thanks to the Mobsters we've got our first question answered — confirmation! And the second one is partially answered — a reported piece, not a memoir! But that still leaves the questions of what the topic of the reported piece is, and when we can expect to see it. So get to it, kids. And while you're at it, look into one more query: Bennet was announced as the new Atlantic editor three weeks ago. How long does it take to get the man a phone?

Miller Back From Middle East, Writing for 'Atlantic' [Media Mob/NYO]
Earlier: Breaking Rumor: Is Judy Writing for 'The Atlantic'?