Steve Jobs and the $415-million poverty vow

It came out this weekend that Steve Jobs sold 45 percent of his Apple stock for $415 million.
Why didn't this get article after article of speculation, as any tiny sale of Google stock does? Maybe Apple's 30th anniversary overshadowed it; maybe the media was chasing bigger stories:
Apple again pays Jobs $1 salary [CNET]
Apple CEO Jobs' salary remained at $1 for '05 [MarketWatch]
Apple CEO Jobs' salary remains at $1 for fiscal 2005 [AP Wire]
Another year, another $1 salary for Apple's Jobs [SV/SJ Business Journal]
Steve Jobs takes another dollar from Apple [ZDNet UK]
Jobs gets usual salary: $1 [Seattle PI]
Jobs sells Apple shares [Smarthouse]
Time to file this under "The annual reporter phone-in," next to Punxsutawney Phil, Year in Review, and the War on Christmas.