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Some amusing but probably baseless emails we've received lately:

• A concerned reader asks, suggestively: "Any leads on Cargo not being the only thing getting pruned this spring at Conde? Absolutely no evidence here, just a vibe and a look at the next year (new expensive mags, space in 4 times sq at a premium) and the cold manner with which cargo was dealt (last day for many [was Friday]). have an idea who i'd guess was next, but hate to panic anyone w/o hard info, so please, no "Conde Deathwatch" unless you got something."

• Why was Nick Sylvester finally fired? "[A]bout a week ago I heard from someone inside the Voice that when Sylvester sat down with a lawyer to go through his emails on the story, his entire account has been mysteriously deleted. At that point, they asked him to leave, for real this time."

• What will NBC do if Katie Couric leaves? "Meredith Viera is leaving the View to join the Today Show as a replacement to Katie Couric. This was rumor once but is now fact. You are the first to know."

But what happens to The View if Viera leaves for NBC? After the jump, another unverified tip, from a different reader, spells out the full, three-network musical chairs.

You may want to know something in advance and although it has no connection to your regular gossip (tips) and my usual cheap celebrity sightings, I've learned this straight through the executive VP of [a cable-network company], who basically knows everything in the cable and network TV. The CBS, NBC, and ABC shuffle is going to go like this:

Katie Couric is going to CBS Evening News for a reported $39 million for 3 years! She has an option to get out, or vice versa. Meredith Viera is her replacement for a reported $30 million 5-year contract. Viera's replacement on "The View" is none other than Mimi Rogers (ex Mrs. Cruise), yes you heard me right! Her new beau works on the Wall Street. Salary is reported at $2 million dollars a year? Also, there is a growing buzz to let Star Jones go, once her contract is up in early 2007. She has turned into a liability for the network. Apparently, Tyra Banks was suggested, and the idea was laughed off. Barbara Walters is fiercely pushing for her Indian friend who is "older and wiser" (and annoying): cookbook writer/actress, Madhur Jaffrey to be the new "ethnic" mix.

Charlie Gibson IS NOT getting a permanent spot on ABC World News Tonight. Vargas is taking on full-time duty for ABC's World News Tonight, till Woodruff comes back. Till Vargas is over with baby duties, Gibson will do rotations. Neither Gibson nor Sawyer were released, to counter the Lauer-Viera Combo. Sawyer and Gibson want to re-negotiate the contracts.

So now you know.

Any corroborations? Disputes? Additional rumors? Email us.