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We pulled The New Yorker out of our mailbox when we got home Monday night — OK, fine, when we put on pants and waddled downstairs in the middle of the afternoon — and we glanced at the cover, which we found to be moderately cute and perhaps even a touch amusing. We clearly didn't look at it carefully enough. A writerly pal alerted us to a secret warning buried in the image:

Just a tip: There's a hidden message on the Scrabble cover on the latest issue of the New Yorker:

"Them Yellow Easy Sneeze E-bola Enzyme."

Which is clearly a warning against airborne viral warfare, launched by sneezing terrorists on rooftops!

Why are they sneezing? Because they're allergic to freedom.

Sure it's an inefficient and confusing way to get the warning out. But it still makes more sense than an orange alert.

The New Yorker