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I look out at this valley and its people, and I say, "Damn, these people need to get laid." Which is projection, sure. But as a public service, Valleywag picks the cream of the crop from the Valley's tech-industry Craigslist personals. And remember, if it doesn't work out, you can always give us the gossip.

¬ San Jose software engineer seeks ticklish Asian beauty (especially ticklish on the feet, please).
¬ Startup co-founder in Saratoga looking for a loving soulmate. Kinda wordy, but if you've ever gone to a "Oh, just one more thing!" demo session, that shouldn't surprise you.
¬ "I don't make sex; I make love," says a San Francisco software engineer. And he's willing to start with the phone or e-mail. So go get"phone love."

¬ Will a big tall engineer whisk away this blonde, blue-eyed Scandanavian? Watch out, you'll probably have to fight half the Google team to win her heart.
¬ A "proud participant in the Web 2.0" is "up for some company — hiking, cooking, or staying up all night integrating peer-to-peer solutions across the enterprise (or something).
¬ "Jewish woman looking for her bashert" seeks, first of all, someone who knows what a bashert is (Gentiles: it's a soulmate. It's not you), with a college degree, who's "a good person." Yep, she's in a high-tech startup, but she's not an engineer.

¬ Way down in Campbell is a "sexy Indian girl," "bit of a nerd but very sexually outgoing," seeking a sexy Chinese girl. Married? No worries, so's she.