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Katie Couric's deal at CBS may have her making $60,000 per day, but that doesn't mean she can throw her money around — she's got two daughters and hundreds of stilletos to provide for. Couric has no choice but to keep a strict budget, as a reader working with an uptown nanny farm learns:

Katie Couric is registered with our agency, and I recently interviewed in her home for a position as a weekend nanny. I got the job, and was all set to begin later this month. Then I get a call yesterday, from her assistant, telling me that there's been a slight miscommunication and Katie actually doesn't want to pay me as much as she'd originally promised. She said that she "hoped this would be all right". I thought this was hilarious, considering how Katie's big new salary has been splashed alllll over the news just this week. Also, the little wage dispute was over the amount of — and this is ridiculous — $50!!! I mean, COME ON, right? Fifty bucks. Like she was a little short on cash this month?