Strangely Enough, Grubman PR Intern Fired for Whoring

Last week, we pointed out a Craigslist item regarding Jennifer Posey, a Grubman PR intern who was looking for work by posting her resume online, complete with the glaring header "Lizzie Grubman PR Girl Seeks NEW Career." It would seem that she's been forced to get that new career more quickly than she may have preferred: Shortly after the Craigslist posting got around, Posey was sent packing. Oh, how those fleeting unpaid internships.
When contacted for comment, Lizzie Grubman told Gawker, "We have an office policy — she was free to look for a job, but she should have told us. She was using the company name to promote herself." And that's exactly why Posey she shouldn't be working in PR: Grubman isn't exactly the sort of name you use to elevate your status.
Earlier: Grubman Intern Seeks Escape, Splays Resume Across Craigslist