Defamer Employment: The Return Of The Knotty-Muscled Bicoastal TV Exec

We at Defamer realize that even if one of our "Connections" or "Employment" features results in either a love match or job for one of our readers, no relationship (whether personal or professional) can last forever. Last summer, we spotlighted the Craigslist plea of the bicoastal TV executive whose personal assistant requirements included the willingness to give rubdowns and escort him to various job-related events. It seems that he's already lost one special helper to either carpal tunnel syndrome, a sudden swelling of self-esteem, or a better-paying job within the sex trade entertainment industry, because he's back with virtually the same pitch:
TV Executive Looking for Dynamic Personal Assistant/Masseuse Hello! I'm a TV exec (male, 34), Beverly Hills-based for the next 4 months, around 4 days a week, as we continue production on one of my current shows.
While I'm in Los Angeles, I'm looking for a smart, dynamic, personable gal with great hands, who can give me a couple of massages a week, and spend a few hours a week running errands (buying wine, dry-cleaning, helping with documents). You don't have to be certified in massage, just be personable, and have a good touch — this is primarily for relaxation, and because I don't have the time to make and break spa appointments.
I'm also looking for someone who can serve as an escort/assistant to several high profile entertainment functions I will have to attend. Outfits for the events included as perks. Looking for someone attractive, with social graces.
Errands/PA may include:
- Dryclean dropoff/pickup
- Gift buying/drop-off
- Escort/assistant to work functionsYour time committment can be extremely flexible, and will not require more than 4 to 5 hours a week of your time. I'm a fun, easy-going and relaxed fella, and will be willing to work around your full-time work schedule, if necessary.
Compensation will be $140 per hour for massage, and $25 per hour for errands/assistant work. Events that you attend will be paid at $400 per event, plus perks like the clothes. The job guarantees $400 per week minimum, and is no more than 4 to 5 hours of work a week (except when there's an event, there's 4 of them in the next 4 months). You must have a cell phone, and be relatively accessible.
I am interviewing this week, so early responses get first priority.
Please respond with a picture and phone number — I don't have ready access to email all the time.
A handy tip: He was offering the same rates last year (actually, there's been a cut in the per-hour pay for the errands). At the very least, ask for a cost-of-living or inflation increase should you join the competition for the position. Good luck!