Apple has set an example for the tech world by apologizing to a nine-year-old girl.

Third-grader Shea O'Gorman sent a letter to Steve Jobs suggesting product improvements — and Apple's legal department replied with a note that the company doesn't accept "unsolicited product ideas." The lawyers asked Shea not to send ideas and linked her to their company policy.

Shea's mother told CBS that when Shea got the letter, "she was very upset and kinda threw the letter up into the air, and ran in her room and slammed the door." (Which is what Leander Kahney always does too.)

Damn, just when I was convinced the press was too kind to Apple, someone pulls a "you hurt my little girl" on the local news. CBS takes the bait and sends correspondent Anna Werner to give ol' Mom a little publicity.

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"No, Anna, I'm not blowing this out of proportion. Can we move the camera more toward me?"

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"Of course Steve Jobs will see our show! At least an aide will Tivo it for him!"

Geez, maybe we've got this coverage bias all wrong. It's one thing when journalists are sycophantic enough to extol finely made products. But when it comes down to a fight between an international corporation and a nine-year-old girl, it's clear we should root for the underdog. We're on your side, Apple.

Girl's Letter To Apple Gets Legalese Reply [CBS 5]