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Welcome to Lazy News, the new Valleywag feature that saves you the time of actually reading news articles. The first article we'll slice-and-dice is the San Francisco Chronicle's business feature from Sunday.

  • Title: Web 2.0 has a local address
  • Subtitle: South Park, the neighborhood that fostered the dot-com boom, is back
  • Trend angle: San Fran is back too — the whole Valley is back. And this time the businesses are real.
  • Poster children: Adaptive Path, Rubyred Labs, Wired, Technorati, VideoEgg, Mule Design Studio, and other tech companies from Bryant to Brannan, Second Street to Third Street
  • Photos: Aerial shot infographic, kids in the park, street signs, and Rubyred's Thor Muller at the Cereal Bar.
  • Lead: South Park startup Rubyred Labs has a trendy Cereal Bar.
  • Sources: Scott Beale (Laughing Squid founder, photographed the Cereal Bar); Janice Fraser (CEO of South Park stalwart Adaptive Path); Matt Sanchez (CEO of startup VideoEgg); Jesse Blout (mayor's director of economic development); Jeffrey O'Brien (a senior editor of long-time South Parker Wired Magazine);; Max Applegarth (owner of local cafe Caffe Centro); Jonathan Nelson (founder of online marketing agency Organic); Jonathan Wright (from burnout dot-com; Maggie Mason (mighty blogger and writer); Elvis Jessie Presley (homeless man); Jonathan Grubb (Rubyred co-founder and cereal analyst); Amy and Thor Muller (Rubyred co-founders and Noe Valley baby-raisers)
  • Best line: "I saw 20-year-olds in head-to-toe Prada and said, 'This cannot last'" — Maggie Mason
  • WTF: The tumbleweed story

Web 2.0 has a local address [SF Chronicle]