NYPD Is Into Petting

We haven't had a chance yet to comprehensively check the entire paper, but we're confident we've identified the best quote in today's Times. From the frontpage article on the resurgent popularity of police horses:
"They can gallop through traffic, go the wrong way up one-way streets, and they're great for community relations. I mean, you can't exactly pet a cop car. Or a police dog, for that matter."
This raises questions. Have you ever petted, or tried to pet, a police horse? (It would seem not a top priority while the cop aboard is, say, arresting you for protesting the Republican convention. Nor do we find ourselves wanting to touch something that seems quite so, well, filthy.) If so, why? And was, like, pleasant? Also: Why not pet a cop car? A brand-new, shiny white Crown Vic can be pretty, no? We're horrible confused.