Studio Execs Watching Porn Even More Closely Than Usual

You love the convenience and discretion downloading porn over the internet affords you. But your eyes are coated in weeks worth of monitor glaze, while your hearty appetite for artfully shot gang-bangs is taxing your hard drive's capacity. Vivid Entertainment Group has the solution: The home of The Love Twins (believe it or not, picture SFW), is at the vanguard of the newest entertainment-disseminating technologies.
A top producer of hard-core porn will start selling downloadable movies that customers can burn to DVD and watch on their TVs, illustrating how Southern California's multibillion-dollar adult entertainment industry may again set the technological pace for Hollywood. [...]
Los Angeles-based Vivid will start selling burnable movies May 8 through online movie service CinemaNow. [...]
Vivid, producer of such titles as "Bad Wives" and "Generation Sex," will offer 30 downloadable videos for about $19.95 apiece that include everything that is on a standard DVD — cover art, scene navigation, bonus material and deleted scenes.
It won't be long before the major studios follow suit with the cross-platform service. (Currently, their feature film downloads are only viewable on a computer.) Of course, having mainstream and XXX entertainment available on the same movie purchase site is only asking for trouble: One wayward click on CinemaNow's catalog could result in you stumbling in on your terrified children watching the hi-def adventures of The Anal Princess Diaries.