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Welcome to our morning attempt to wrap and/or consume the seemingly endless pieces of chocolate insanity passing along the conveyor belt of Tom Cruise and Miracle Baby news:

· Cruise's M:i:III castmates wisely refuse to comment on the Miracle Baby, though they're probably privately thrilled he's canceled some promotional appearances this week to make sure Katie Holmes gets nowhere near their new daughter. Says co-star Keri Russell on the obsession with the world's most suspicious couple: "I think it's natural to feel like you know people that you see. It's just like it's a fairy tale. You're watching these archetypes. You're watching them and you're trying to find connections with your own life, and those are two very accessible people." Of course, by "archetypes," Russell means "people who only pretend to be in a relationship for the publicity benefits." We had to look that one up. [AP]
· And here come the inevitable t-shirts: Free Suri and Suri [downward arrow]. []
· The WOW Report is excited about its WORLD! EXCLUSIVE! BABY! SURI! PHOTO! We might've expected something in the alien family, but the dinosaur is a nice touch. [WOW Report]
· Suri's on MySpace! All that silent birth nonsense really seems to have paid off in a very developmentally advanced infant. [MySpace]
· Silent Birth: The Flash Game. We don't want to tell you what happens if you don't catch all the pills. []