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A spy reports to us that Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein spoke at Columbia j-school last night as part of their Delacorte lecture series, which is hosted by Victor Navasky. Navasky referred to Rubenstein as "Toos" and started things off by asking, "Does Seventeen accept 73-year-old male interns?"

Highlights of the evening included Toos making numerous references to Pink Is the New Blog; recounting how she once told Kate White, who was just then replacing Bonnie Fuller as the editor of Cosmo, that she knew all of Glamour's secrets; and confessiong that, as a teenager, she was "an orchid an a sea of carnations." Rubenstein also expressed concern that the details of her talk would end up on "Gawker dot com," which might've been avoidable were it not for that ludicrous orchid crap.