
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 01/13/10 06:41AM

Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey turns 44 today. The show's creator and head writer, Shonda Rhimes, is turning 40. Party-hopping author Jay McInerney is 55. Orlando Bloom is turning 33. Julia-Louis Dreyfus is 49. Former Citigroup chief Chuck Prince turns 60. Actress Penelope Ann Miller is 46. Former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein is 38. And season three American Idol reject William Hung turns 27 today.

New Contender for Survivor: OK! Magazine

Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/09 11:45AM

Getting an editorial job at OK! Magazine has proven to be similar to riding a merry-go-round where you get your head chopped off after one go-round. That said, we'd like to welcome OK!'s new editorial boss! We hear many things.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 01/13/09 07:41AM

Author Jay McInerney turns 54 today. Nutty editor Atoosa Rubenstein is celebrating her 37th. Orlando Bloom is 32. Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey is turning 43. Grey's creator, Shonda Rhimes, is 39. Julia-Louis Dreyfus is turning 48. Former Citigroup CEO Charles Prince is 59. Former Hillary Clinton advisor (and now Citigroup exec) Lisa Caputo is turning 45. Socialite Renee Rockefeller is 41. And legendary American Idol reject William Hung celebrates his 26th birthday today.

The 'Toos Mourns the Loss of Her 'Baby,' CosmoGirl

Sheila · 10/13/08 01:48PM

Women have been wondering since they entered the workforce if they can really, truly "have it all": a great career and a (rich) husband and a killer wardrobe, house in the Hamptons, and a baby. And guess what: they can. Atoosa Rubenstein is the former EIC of CosmoGirl and Seventeen, and now a teen-girl empower-er who has "opted out" of the rat race. And guess what: "I'm still pretty young—young enough to ENJOY the fruits of my labor." Also, she is sad that CosmoGirl just folded because she started it and was, she will remind you, the "the youngest Editor in Chief in the 100 year history of Hearst Magazines."

Atoosa Successfully Procreates

cityfile · 08/18/08 09:24AM

Everyone's favorite self-styled yet mildly unhinged teen role model, Atoosa Rubenstein, has brought new life into the world. The Daily reports that Toos and husband Ari "welcomed their first child Friday night, a daughter named Angelika McQueen Rubenstein." Which means the family share initials, just like that other hirsutely classy clan, the Kardashians. We can only hope that Atoosa, Ari and Angelika are fielding reality show offers as we speak. [The Daily]

Atoosa Rubenstein Having A Baby Right Now

Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/08 07:56AM

As of just a couple hours ago, former Seventeen EIC-turned-spokeswoman for all American girls Atoosa Rubenstein was en route to the hospital. To have a baby! The tot will, no doubt, be dubbed "beta kitty" or something and, let's all pray, will be a girl. News of the Toos' water breaking was itself "broken" (ha) on important journalistic tool Facebook. Which is perfectly in line with Toos' general pregnancy oversharing habit. Screengrab of the historic Facebook update, after the jump:

Whatever Happened to Atoosa Rubenstein?

Sheila · 06/24/08 09:48AM

Atoosa Rubenstein was the youngest editor-in-chief in Hearst's history (of Cosmogirl), and later the editor of Seventeen. She dropped out of the rat race to have a family (see photo) and overshare her gyno visits like a normal person, as well as run her own multimedia "tribe," Alpha Kitty. We also hear she's tight lately with recently-quit American Media's Bonnie Fuller. She told the HuffPo that she's against the celebrity practice of baby-photo selling, but as her most recent Facebook photo shows us, she's about to have that baby any day now. Remember, life—and privacy—begins at conception!

Portrait of Atoosa Rubenstein As a Young AlphaKitty

Sheila · 05/02/08 05:06PM

In the new book, If I'd Only Known Then: Women in Their 20s and 30s Write Letters to Their Younger Selves, former Seventeen editor and current Alpha Kitty Atoosa Rubenstein writes, "I know you don't believe me, just like you don't believe Mom when she tells you that you are beautiful. But I'll say it anyway: One day you will lead a very fancy life. Yes! A girl like you whose parents work multiple jobs and barely make ends meet can grow up to live in a beautiful corner apartment in Manhattan overlooking the water, have weekend houses in the Hamptons and Miami, attend fashion shows in Europe and be photographed for magazines." (No, the 'Toos was not being sarcastic.) We are trying to find out if one of these letter-writers encourages their younger selves to slut it up while they have the chance, 'cause gravity will be on your side for only so long, honey. [via the Observer]

Atoosa Rubenstein: Old Photo, New Gig

Pareene · 04/09/08 02:54PM

Atoosa Rubenstein, former EIC of Seventeen, occasional over-sharer, Alpha Kitty, and self-appointed mentor to the girl nation, has a totally awesome new job! She's blogging for Barnard College! Atoosa ('93) is so excited for the 15-year reunion! Her and Ruby Gelman are running the class of '93 reunion blog, hilariously located at, and Atoosa says things like "Web 2.0 meeting place." She also posted an utterly amazing photo of herself graduating in the rain, with large hair and mother direct from central casting. [Barnard Reunion 2008 via Logged Minutes]

Atoosa Goes to the OB-GYN

Sheila · 02/22/08 03:43PM

Former Seventeen editor/current self-styled Alpha Kitty Atoosa Rubenstein holds court from her gynecologist's office, sitting on the table while discussing celebrity baby pictures with her husband. The 'Toos is preggers! The video is total blogbait, but it's also a total tease—we don't even get to see them stick the speculum in! We bring you completely SFW screengrabs to peruse while asking, what the fuck was she thinking?

Atoosa Rubenstein

cityfile · 01/25/08 11:28PM

Rubenstein is the batty ex-editor-in-chief of Seventeen magazine.

Atoosa Rubenstein's Last Minute E-Shopping Nightmare Before Christmas

Emily Gould · 12/13/07 03:40PM

Alpha kitty and fancy kept woman Atoosa Rubenstein is too busy to shop for her Christmas presents in the real world: "I've got things to do, places to be, an online fashion series to launch on Friday." Cannot. Wait. In the meantime, though, we can follow Atoosa's clicking from one department store website to another via her 'Creative Consumer' column. The goal here isn't bargain-hunting, she explains: "I'd rather pay double whatever those early-morning shoppers saved to avoid the rush. Yes, it's a luxury even to make a statement like that. But this column is about just that: cyber-shopping the luxury market." Despite this stated cash-burning ethos, though, the 'Toos is not all about frivolity. "For a shopping site to get an Alpha Kitty Meow of Approval ... it really ought to have a charity (or at least a green) component."

Atoosa's Sweet Toxo-Afflicted AlphaKitty Angels

Joshua Stein · 12/11/07 10:15AM

Crazy cat lady and former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein's Alpha Kitty project seeks to empower young girls by showing them extremely poorly edited Youtube videos featuring women who tend to be more successful, better looking and wealthier than they are. A recent video featured "model/actress" Taylor Warren in front of a white background, musing: "I remember my mom catching me sitting in front of a mirror crying because I just wanted to know what I looked like doing it." But! Before you discard Ms. Rubenstein's idiotic project (and it is idiotic) I want to introduce you to Minnie Fay, a 17-year-old girl in Amston, CT who responds to nearly every Alpha Kitty video with a video post of her own. Fay is the sweetest, most vulnerable, most pure creature in all of Connecticut. She loves makeup but also kinda feels weird about it and she goes to school! And I love her. After the jump, meet her boyfriend, Rory, who is also an Alpha Kitty.

How Atoosa Rubenstein's Husband Enabled Her To Become An Alpha Kitty

Emily Gould · 11/26/07 09:20AM

Esther Haynes' Page Six magazine hagiography of former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein mostly treads familiar territory of the cat-loving, "extremely tall" 'Toos's meteoric rise. Once more, we follow her Kittiness from Barnard to Cosmo to CosmoGirl to EIC of Seventeen, where she stepped down "at the top of her game" last fall, in order to bring "more than a million girls" her "sometimes ridiculous yet compelling series of neoinspirational videos." Yes, yes, we know! But where is it all leading? "The Alpha Kitty business plan that she is fleshing out might be a 'game changer,' she says." Um, ok! Also, she's "producing a new secret 'project' at The Box nightclub," clanging that establishment's overness-knell more loudly than any rape charge ever could. More to the point, though, what finally enabled her 'Toosness to become a symbol and a role model for the "professional women in New York" who've "started opening up to her and admitting they, too, would like to get out"?

Joshua Stein · 11/13/07 04:50PM

Of the few honorees who actually took three hours out of their day to eat overcooked chicken at Tavern on the Green during the Min awards was Atoosa Rubenstein, one of their year's most Intriguing people. She was asked to relay the best advice of her life. "The best advice wasn't intended for me and it wasn't meant to be advice. But it was Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing: 'Nobody puts Baby in the corner,'" she said, before heading back to her table in the far corner of the dining room.

Atoosa Rubenstein Goes To The Box

Choire · 10/11/07 08:40AM

So, Tuesday night, former Seventeen editor and current girly-empire-building MySpace queen Atoosa Rubenstein goes to ridiculous Lower East Side hotspot The Box. Some trannies were doing a show, with some person of indeterminate gender stripping for a midget and simulating fellatio. (Louche times!) The climax of the act: Shim/herm stands up and has what looks like ejaculate running down his/her face. Atoosa is in a booth right in front of the stage there. And the M.C. says, "See, girls, this is why you should always swallow." And then looks right at Atoosa, and says, "You don't look like you swallow. You look like a guzzler."

Atoosa: "The Next Big Style Icon Is Going To Be A Drag Queen"

Emily Gould · 10/04/07 10:55AM

Former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein "said she is not thinking about business, only 'play,'" with her new web venture, a series of videos that debut on YouTube today. "But business is hardly on the back burner. She is seeking investors (although for now she is self-financed)." That stunning piece of news is one of many contained in Times trendtard Stephanie Rosenbloom's Style profile of the 'Toos today.