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Still hunting for the secret Asian-girl-collection MySpace profile (gotta catch 'em all!) of founder Tom Anderson. But a reader went to Tom's party in Miami (pictured). Sez he:

He threw a MySpace party on South Beach and he had this entourage of Asians from California I believe that came with him, and they basically added to the "show." One of them is a model with her own MySpace page that has a big following i believe.

Not that we should be surprised — if you were a 30-year-old guy worth a few million, and you had 73 million friends to pick from, wouldn't you hang with models? So partly as evidence and partly as eye candy, we've got more pics from the MySpace party. Tom's bikini-clad Asian girls be after the jump.

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Watch closely —

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— the girls are never —

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— next to Tom.