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An email we received last night:

Tuesday night at the National Arts Club, I saw Anna Wintour with her husband or whatever, Dr. Shaffer, and some other important types I could not identify. They were huddled at the center table for the Dahesh Museum Gala. She was crying very visibly and our table was next to theirs and we overheard them discuss Parkinson's disease. All three people, including Shaffer were trying to console Wintour. Does Anna Wintour have Parkinson's? I know she is considered evil and all, but this is terrible.

We have no idea why Wintour was with David Shaffer, whom she divorced in 1999, and not her consort since then, Shelby Bryan. (But the source insists it was indeed Shaffer and not Bryan.) We also have no idea — and certainly no confirmation — about the rest of it. Do with this information what you will.