TicketOnEbayGate: The seller speaks

Another chapter to the scandal that rocked a nation (wherein Valleywag actually used a PR-pitched story! OMG WTF): Another pair of passes sold (a $3,000 Buy-it-Now purchase), and the auction was confirmed as real but PR-spun.
Eric Hadley, the Microsoft employee selling Microsoft conference passes, e-mailed me to say the auction was real, so I asked, "How official was your sale? When did PR get involved?" His response:
Very official. I run marketing here. I told Joanne Bradford, our global sales and marketing head - my boss, that I was doing it and she said make sure all the money goes to the AdCouncil.
PR got involved when someone from the press called and asked about it. Cuz that is how msft works. They didn't know about it before.
So yes, it's just another stunt, albeit an altruistic one with the proceeds (matched by Microsoft) going to a good cause. I regret the error, sincerely ask the forgiveness of the community, and hope that we can put this behind us and continue with the important work of Valleywag.
Speaking of which: Time's running out to nominate hot PR babes and hunks.