The Morning Cruise: Freeing Katie, Snubbing Roker

The M:i:III publicity onslaught will quickly fade after this weekend's opening, but as the above poster (whipped up by a talented, bored reader) reminds us, we still have the run-up to a sacrifice wedding to look forward to. Unless, of course, Katie Holmes chews through both of her shackled ankles while Cruise is distracted with move promotion and somehow teeters her way to freedom before the ceremony.
· M:i:III premieres at the Tribeca Film Festival today, where Cruise will traverse Manhattan by rickshaw, jetpack, and pinebox racer as he scrambles to attend various screenings of the movie. He'll end his odyssey at the Ziegfield Theater, where he will allegedly snub lovable NBC host Al Roker for consorting with known suppressive Matt Lauer. [Gawker]
· Tom Cruise is in possession of Eyes Wide Shut co-star Sydney Pollack's recipes. Thrilling! Should this item end in a "Tom knows the history of cooking" or a boiled placenta joke? (second item) [Fox411]