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It took all of our strength not to Photoshop a cartoon bubble emanating from Tom Cruise's mouth shrieking, "Wheeeeeeeeeeee!" to the crowd assembled to watch him ride his very butch motorcycle to the NY premiere of M:i:III. But by mentioning our restraint, we suppose that we ultimately lost our battle with immaturity. We've got to remember to bring that up at the next auditing session. [Photo: Getty Images]
· The always-reliable British tabloid press reports that Cruise and Katie Holmes have agreed on a $40 million pre-nup. And in an even more impressive act of generosity, should the couple split, Cruise will only require that Holmes serve out a third of her billion-year contract, leaving over 600 million of her best years to enjoy her fortune. [Daily Mail]

· Right now—live!—you can watch various actors walk into a movie theater playing M:i:III. The internet just gives and gives without taking. [Yahoo]
· Our sister site in NY had their spies stalking Cruise all day. Fire engines! Helicopters! Wheee! Shit, there we go again. [Gawker]
· We also had a spy of our own on the ground, who sent us this camerphone picture of Cruise doing something exciting! His amazing likability and accessibility has us feeling like we might die if we don't see this movie right now!