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Mediabistro's FishBowlLA has the perfect recap of the last two weeks' dot-com frenzy (Lloyd Braun — pictured because I like picturing him — zigs, Steve Ballmer zags, and still they try to dance):

So for those who are confused by this, a recap: The guy who used to program ABC has been hired to take Yahoo! in the direction of YouTube, while Microsoft's MSN is trying to be more like ABC.

It's not quite as simple as Mediabistro says. The same MSN that wants to be ABC wants Microsoft to buy Yahoo (but not the part led by the exec from ABC) to fight Google, who's accusing Microsoft of doing to IE what Google did to Mozilla. Meanwhile, Microsoft delays Windows to become more like Apple, who's releasing ads touting how Apple plays well with Microsoft but how Apple is better than Microsoft.

Do not ask about AOL.

Hollywood: Microsoft goes where Yahoo! fears to tread [FishBowlLA]