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Let's ignore the irony of Jim Brady's column focusing mostly on an old, aged media exec who increasingly doddered on, oblivious to his surroundings (you'd have no idea what that's like, right, Jim?) and instead focus on just one line, down near the end. Jim is recalling a fancy lunch on Central Park South years ago with William Randolph Hearst Jr., and he's describing the man who orchestrated the meeting:

[B]ook publisher John Dodds, an affable, fat-thighed San Franciscan married to I Love Lucy's Vivian Vance, asked if I'd consider writing the "autobiography" of William Randolph Hearst Jr.

"Affable, fat-thighed San Franciscan"? Love it! It's lines like this that make Brady's oblivious dodderings worthwhile, and we've decided it'll be our new term of endearment. Oh, Jim, you affable, fat-thighed San Franciscan, you! What would we do without you?

New Hearst Versus Old []