
Ads, Editorial, It's All #Content

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/15 12:11PM

Even in the deep dark depths of the Great Magazine Die-Off a half-decade ago, struggling print magazines did not get so desperate as to breezily stick ads on the cover of their struggling print editions. Hey, times have changed.

Forbes Columnist: "Drunk Female Guests Are the Gravest Threat" to Frats

Allie Jones · 09/24/14 09:18AM

In a now-deleted Forbes column that was published yesterday afternoon, contributor Bill Frezza brought victim-blaming all the way back around to suggest that "drunk female guests" who get raped at fraternity parties are actually the "threat." Yep, "Drunk Female Guests Are the Gravest Threat to Fraternities" is the headline that made it on to the site.

Here Are The 24 Highest-Earning Hip-Hop Stars in the World

Camille Dodero · 09/25/13 04:30PM

Earlier this week, Forbes released its annual breakdown of "Hip-Hop Cash Kings"—the highest-paid rap artists of the last year. It's an interesting calculation for many reasons, including the revelations that Pitbull made more than Drake, that both Nicki Minaj and Avicii brought in more than Kanye, and that the top 20 spots contain five white guys, one of whose names rhymes with Tacklebore.

There Are Now 1,426 Billionaires on Earth, and You Are Each Worth Exactly $762.95 to Them

Adam Weinstein · 04/10/13 09:30AM

Forbes published a rundown yesterday of America's top-paid CEOs, based on data from its annual billionaires list. That's how we learned that there's an annual billionaires list, because apparently billionaires need something to obsess over besides billions of dollars. There are 1,426 billionaires among the human race's 7 billion or so members, meaning you have a roughly .00002 percent chance of becoming a billionaire, all other things being equal. But of course all things are unequal, and your odds are pretty improved if you didn't grow up in a favela or a shanty on the banks of the Ganges. (Good news, developed America: You account for 442 billionaires, the most of any country on the list!)

Miami No Longer Miserable, Forbes Declares

Mallory Ortberg · 02/23/13 02:01PM

Forbes released its list of America's Most Miserable Cities this week, with appearances from the usual smattering of former manufacturing towns in the Rust Belt, bankrupt municipalities in central California, and burned-out coastal shells. Do you live in any of these cities? Are you unhappy? Would you describe your unhappiness as conditional and dependent on external forces, or so pervasive you barely notice it?

Alt-Weeklies Need Sex And Drugs to Survive

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/11 01:59PM

In your throwback Thursday media column: protests loom at the Village Voice, layoffs at the LAT, Fox Business Network continues right on track, powerful people in the media, and a new Women's Health editor.

Mark Zuckerberg Is Now Richer Than Google's Geezers

Ryan Tate · 09/22/11 02:42PM

Facebook's co-founder CEO might be 11 years younger than Google's co-founder CEO, with a company half as old, but he's got about $2.4 billion on the guy. Mark Zuckerberg just became the country's richest person under 40.