Teri Hatcher PainWatch: Opening Up About Her Sexy Nipples

Teri Hatcher is determined to make her "I Was Molested!" media blitz book tour the most fun you'll ever have hearing about sexual abuse. She can swing the mood from haunted to hilarious to horny, sometimes within a single, run-on thought. Take for example her recent "everything goes" interview with Access Hollywood's Nancy O'Dell, where the painful subject of her molestation almost instantly clicks into an icky, in-depth discussion about her favorite body part:
"There is one body part that you really do like and you don't have a body image about," Nancy said. "And that would be your...can I guess?"
But first we let Felicity Huffman and James Denton give their answers!
"No, oh really, are you going to say that here?" Felicity laughed. "It rhymes with gripples, that's great."
"This is going to be an absolute guess," James said. "I am going to say, her nipples."
"Nipples," Teri laughed. "They're hot."
"Well, at least the men that you go on blind dates with at least they know you have good nipples," Nancy laughed.
"They will have to just sit across the table while they are buying me filet mignon and some fabulous wine thinking, I wonder if I'll ever see those nipples," Teri laughed.
It's a testament to Hatcher's courage that she can so effortlessly segue from the subject of incest to how great her rack looks plopped over a tablecloth at a fancy restaurant. But let's not fail to credit Huffman for adding a new word, "gripples," to the vocabulary of our darkest nightmares—a catchy shorthand combining two of the most common molestation-victim terminologies, "grip" and "nipples."