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MySpace's new IM client (now that creepy "friend" you added out of pity gets to TALK to you!) may actually not suck, judging by comments from the top tech bloggers. Jeremy Botter calls it "quite clean and user-friendly." Pete Cashmore says it's "slick, intuitive and well-designed."

But it's also bloody useless. Do you really have friends who aren't on AIM, YIM, MSN Messenger, Google Talk, or Skype? Now you're thinking of, like, your grandmother and that hippie next door.

Well, do you really think they're on MySpace?

Valleywag officially predicts:

  • MySpace will last about four months before all the kiddies go right back to AIM, where their friends are.
  • In the meantime, the media will find one case of a child being sexually solicited through the new tool, and a watchdog group will try to push legislation, a boycott, or a federally funded program.
  • Danah boyd will write an insightful article about it and appear on television. She will impress the host.

MySpace IM [Download page]
MySpace IM client launches today! [Mashable]
MySpace IM launches [j. botter weblog]