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The powers-that-be at the reeling Paramount have devised a novel way of lifting the spirits of employees distressed by the apparent pall that's fallen over the Melrose lot following M:i:III's disappointing™ opening: by giving them the opportunity to spend two minutes and thirty seconds reliving the shock and pain of 9/11 tomorrow:

From: [redacted] To: NotesMail_MelroseLot_MP

The new trailer for our movie, "World Trade Center", will debut in theaters next weekend, and we are proud to give you the opportunity to get a special early look.

Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone tells the true story of the heroic survival and rescue of two Port Authority policemen - John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno - who were trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, after they went in to help people escape. The film also follows their families as they try to find out what happened to them, as well as the rescuers who found them in the debris field and pulled them out. Their story shows how the best in people rose above the tragic events of that day.

Only 20 people were rescued alive from the World Trade Center after the collapse of the buildings. Officer Jimeno and Sgt. McLoughlin were the 18th and 19th.

The film will be released August 9th.

The trailer will be shown every 15 minutes in the Paramount Theatre on Friday, May 12th, beginning at 11:30 a.m. The last showing of this 2 minute and 30 second piece will be at 2:00 p.m.

It's really an inspired idea; by the time the last showing ends tomorrow afternoon, hardly anyone will care about how bad the second weekend projections for Impossible look. If studio chief Brad Grey has taught us anything this week, it's how important perspective is in the face of apparent tragedy.