AdAge reports on the celebrity weekly wars (didja hear about that one?) and, in turn, reveals that Us Weekly plans to give their website a makeover. Wenner has brought in former Maxim EIC Keith Blanchard as launch editor for the site's "major revamp," which seems to have been conducted late yesterday:

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

The work of a true Maxim man.

Nice re-organization on the home page. Good to see that despite any past professional experiences, Keith Blanchard can still work pink.

UPDATE: Blanchard writes: "AdAge's report that I'm going to launch Us' new website is true, but I haven't actually started yet; whatever's up there now is none of my doing. I start tomorrow, and it'll be a few weeks before you start seeing changes. I'm still boning up on my Brangelina."

Us Weekly
Tabloid-Struggle Shock: Insiders Tell 'Ad Age' All! [AdAge]