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Where's a reporter with no credibility and a reputation for being an administration mouthpiece to go once she's been drummed out of her former place of employ for practicing some of the most sloppy, credulous, bordering-on-disingenuous journalism that said employer has even seen, even considering the fact that it once also employed Jayson Blair? Naturally, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page, a magical world where taxes cause cancer, the ghost of Vince Foster has risen from the grave to wreak havoc on President Bush's poll numbers, and Judith Miller can be considered a legitimate journalist. Judy shows up today with the first of a two-parter on Libya's nuclear ambitions. If you think that maybe the last topic Judy should be reporting on is W.M.D. then you have no idea what passes for fact in the Rightwing Funny Farm that is the Editorial Page. I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing (too busy with the piece next to it, "People Are Poor Because Jesus Hates Them"), but, guess what? We really dodged a bullet!

Many analysts no longer doubted that Libya could have made a bomb, eventually, if the program had not been stopped and it had found a way to supplement its limited technical expertise. Though most of the rotors for the centrifuges were initially missing (many turned up months later on a ship near South Africa) experts said that had the centrifuges been properly assembled in cascades—always dicey in a technologically challenged state—Libya could have produced enough fuel to make as many as 10 nuclear warheads a year.

Many analysts also now believe that if my aunt had testicles she'd be my uncle. Remind me to send that into the Journal, see if they'll print it.

Interesting side-note: Judy was originally supposed to turn in a piece on Qadaffi to The Atlantic. Maybe they decided that they had all the neocon-talking point-regurgitators that they needed.

How Gadhafi Lost His Groove [WSJ]