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Great news for the cravat-wearing crowd: the third incarnation of Le Cirque opens to the public on May 30, and this week it's been practicing for the real deal. Last night it hosted a benefit for the Whitney, and tomorrow it will open its doors to a select group of 1,500 of New York's most crotchety scenesters. Who to expect at this intimate preview? Who cares? There's only person who matters and who will most certainly be there: cryogenically preserved gossip columnist Cindy Adams.

When Adams' beloved yorkshire terrier Jazzy died from diarrhea, Adams made it very known that she would lie on her floor and hand-feed the dog kosher chicken from Le Cirque; when she took the thing to the actual restaurant, Jazzy ate off of Limoges porcelain. So you can be sure Cindy will be in attendance, along with her replacement yorkies Jazzy III and Juicey — there's no way they can open the place without first letting that woman's dogs shit all over a leather banquette.

In Dress Rehearsals, Le Cirque Prepares for Its Third Act